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In the age of digital screens and all the communication carried out on them, pinboards seem obsolete. Yet, the office managers and people who use them use them more frequently. 

You may look at your business and wonder why would you ever need a pinboard? That is a logical question and it has a very logical answer to it. Famed authors Neil Gaiman and Haruki Murakami still use a pen and notebook to produce their work. Why? Because physically executing a task engages you into it. This is the same reason why pinboards make a ton of sense for offices designed for optimal productivity. 

How do you choose the right pinboard for your office?

There are several use cases available for pinboards.

  1. Looking for a simple pinboard, you can get one mounted on the wall. These pinboards can be doubled up as notice boards or for disseminating information across the office. 
  2. If you want to maximize the utility of the pinboard, you should go for a pinboard on wheels. These help you get all the functionalities of a pinboard and they also act as a temporary partition in the office. If you want to give your teams a dedicated space to work, you can use these pinboards. We have quite a few pinboards available in aboriginal print design that will fit right into your existing office plan.
  3. Want to go beyond pinboards, you can choose to have a temporary wall embedded with pinboard material on top of it. These walls act as great idea generation tools when big projects are to be managed or a huge team has to work and collaborate on the idea. 

Beyond the use cases, you can choose from the regular material of pinboards and fabric pinboards. Depending on the amount of usage and the usable life you intend to have for the pinboard, you can choose from any of the given options. 

How can we help you get the right pinboards for your office?

We have been helping business across Australia get the right office furniture to optimize productivity. We follow a pragmatic approach that we have developed by engaging with businesses of all sizes and scales:

We start with a free consultation session to help you with your office’s interior plan and design:

We begin with mapping out all the problems you have at your office and then take a logical approach to design an office furniture solution for you. This will help you define an integrated plan that will help you with your furniture buying journey.

Once you have the integrated plan in place, we offer you a wide range of products with heavy customizability: We understand that your business has specific problems and should be targeted with very specific solutions. Hence, we give you one of the widest ranges of not just pinboards, but the entire office furniture. Plus, we also customize the products in terms of design, shape, material and colour to meet your requirements.

Finally, we give you an industry-leading warranty policy: We place immense trust in our products and that reflects in our warranty policies. Our products will last until your business is growing at a remarkable pace. 

Thinking about getting pinboards? Get in touch with our team and ask about bulk discounts. We will deliver the products to your office anywhere in Australia – Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide or Darwin.